Saturday, February 21, 2015

Scan Results=Yay! Blood Clot=Boo!

For those of you who follow my scan/doctor appointment schedule (which is amazingly sweet, by the way) you would be passing the time this weekend patiently waiting for scan results on Tuesday. And you would have been almost as shocked as I was Friday afternoon when my phone rang, and the caller ID showed that it was the cancer center. By the time I answered the phone and heard my oncologist's voice, I was trembling. Why in the world would she be calling me when we had planned to discuss the results at my appointment on Tuesday?

She quickly said, "Don't worry, your scans are fine. But we found a small blood clot and would like to be safe and start you on heparin injections. I'm so sorry you will have to give yourself shots."

Me: "But my scans are fine?!? Okay, when do I start?"

I don't love the idea of twice-daily shots, but I like it a lot better than cancer progression!

I went in to the clinic Friday afternoon and learned how to do the Lovenox shots. So far, they are no big deal, and I don't yet have the lovely bruises on my stomach that I was told to expect. The nurse commented on how calm I was giving myself the shot, and that most people's hands shake the first time they do it. It's all perspective; when the doctor called I was sure I was getting terrible news. In comparison, these shots are no big deal. Funny what you can get used to!

So, I continue on my amazing targeted med Xalkori. 16 months and counting!


  1. Craigblower8:16 PM

    Congrats on the scans. And I'd offer to give you Lovenox injection lessons but it sounds like you have it well in hand, so to speak. I'm down to once a day. As you said, small stuff in the scheme of things.

    1. Thanks, Craig! I was texting with Janet while waiting for pharmacy to prepare the shots. She gave me some good pointers (like avoid tight fitting clothes around the injection site) so I think I'm okay. I love the LC community!

  2. So glad about your scans! FANTASTIC NEWS! The Lovenox shots hopefully won't be too bad. It's great you've gone so long without having to take them.

    1. Thank you, Robin! Yeah, it seems kinda par for the course with LC. I'm on oral meds so I don't have to get poked very often. I guess I needed to fulfill my needle quota!

  3. Good news about your CT scans. Sorry to hear about the clot. I really dislike it when the oncologist calls, unexpectantly, to talk about testing results. I wonder if you can transition to an oral anti-coagulant in the future. Hang in there, Tori.

  4. Tori, I'm very happy for your scan results. 16 months! Woohoo!

    I'm also happy to hear how well you're handling this "hiccup," as you're calling it. I'm not sure I'd handle it that well. Time for me to get back to padding my injection site, just in case.

  5. Luna - yeah, I can't even remember how long she said I have to do the shots. I was such a nervous wreck when I took that phone call! I'll get more details when I see her on Tuesday. Best to you, Luna!

  6. Dann - thanks to 16 months on Xalkori, I have a little bit of "padding" around my middle, despite my tiny frame! I guess it was for a good reason. ;)
