Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Key to Happiness

My friend and fellow stage IV lung cancer fighter Jessica Rice has had a very rough road throughout her treatment. She is two years into this journey and has been through numerous chemo cocktails, Xalkori, a clinical trial, CyberKnife, and whole brain radiation.

When I found out I had lung cancer, I was desperate to find other young people dealing with this terrible disease. When I came across her blog, I read it from start to finish. I look up to her as a sort of expert who has already tread the path that I am on, someone who can be a beacon in these unknown waters.

I was looking through her "Frog List" (things to do before she croaks) and I noticed that one of her dreams is to see a Cirque show. Suddenly, I had an idea for how I could try to pay back some of what she has offered me.

I contacted the three people I know who have worked with Cirque du Soleil and, being the lovely people that they are, they all replied promptly with thoughts on how to help my friend. Much scheming ensued, and we were able to contact the Artistic Director of La Nouba (the resident show in Orlando's Disney World) who not only granted two free tickets, but also coordinated for Jessica and her fiance to meet some of the cast members.

How cool is that?

The funny thing is how happy this has made me. Being able to help out someone else feels amazing. I have been the beneficiary of so much support since my diagnosis, it feels nice to help someone else.

I saw La Nouba many years ago, and it is a great show. Over a decade later, this scene still brings a huge grin to my face.

Source: Orlando Sentinel

Take a moment and look over her Frog List. Perhaps there is something on there that you can help with. If not, do yourself a favor and help out someone else today. You just might end up feeling great in the process.


  1. That is wonderful for both you and Jessica! I love it!

  2. Wonderful! Thank you for brightening a friend's day :)

  3. Tori, reading this made me so happy. You are such a beautiful person and I'm glad to head into the new year in a few hours with a poignant reminder to see what I can do about reaching out and helping others.
