Friday, October 11, 2013

Reality Check

I learned today that a young woman just lost her 29 year old husband to stage 4 lung cancer. Three short months from diagnosis to death, he leaves her with two small children and another on the way.

I am speechless.

It is a brutal reminder of just how cruel this disease can be.

And it reminds me to count my blessings. This round of chemo has been remarkably kind to me. I feel quite well right now. I can breathe so much more easily than I could before starting chemo, and I have virtually no pain from where the bone mets are (were?). Today, I was well enough to take a long walk around the neighborhood with my husband and dream about our future endeavors. It was the sort of day where I could almost forget about cancer.


  1. Hi Tori! Sending you lots of love --Lifto

  2. Hi Tori! Sending you lots of love --Lifto

  3. Thank you, Lifto. Great to hear from you!
    - Tori
